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What is metal stamping?
2024-08-02 13:03:08

Metal stamping is a process of manufacturing where flat metal sheets are converted into specific shapes with the application of high amounts of pressure. As a complex process, metal stamping involves a number of techniques and steps such as punching, blanking, embossing, coining, flanging, piercing and bending. The high-speed and low-cost manufacturing process is used to make a large number of identical metal components.

The process of creating stamped metal parts can involve a single stage where the desired shape of the part is produced with each stroke of the stamping press. It can also involve a series of stages where progressive dies are used to progressively shape the component. While the stamping process is typically performed using sheet metal, other flat materials can also be shaped using this technique.

Known also as ‘pressing’ or a cold-forming process, flat sheet metal is transformed into the desired part or component with the help of dies and stamping presses. The sheet metal pieces, known as blanks, are fed to the stamping press that has a tool and die surface which creates the required shape from the blanks.

Custom metal stamping refers to the metal forming process in which the manufacturer uses custom tooling and stamping techniques to make parts according to the customer’s specifications.

Custom metal stamping is utilized by multiple industries for meeting the demand for high volume production and to make identical precision parts.

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